Personal Loan


Loan Top up

At Smartlife, we understand that life is unpredictable and your financial needs may change over time.

Smartlife provides valuable assistance in the loan top-up process from other lenders, helping borrowers make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcomes.

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Smarter, Safer, Better




Get More
Funds for
Your Goals

What is a


Loan top-up is a way to increase the amount of your existing loan, without having to take out a separate loan. This means you can get access to more funds without the hassle of applying for a new loan.

Here are some of the ways Smartlife assist clients in the loan top-up process:

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of  loan

Access to additional funds:
With loan top-up, you can get access to more funds than your original loan amount, so you can achieve your financial goals faster.

Lower interest rates:
Loan top-up typically comes with optimum interest rates compared to taking out a new loan, which can save you money in the long run.

Simplified repayment:
With loan top-up, you’ll continue to make one monthly payment for both your original loan and the top-up amount, making it easier to manage your finances.


Home Loan

Confused? Lets Chat

Sometimes it’s simpler to simply talk everything through with an expert. Thankfully, we can assist. Select a date, and a member of our staff will call you. Easy